This is Change?

A July 2012, Friday afternoon Dunedin NZ rush hour visit to the Anzac-Castle intersection at the heart of the black-spot amelioration discussed earlier reveals widespread flaunting of the new temporary stop signs put into place after the death after the death of Peter James Wells last November. It’s probably worse during non-rush hour periods as traffic often forces many to stop when the cross street is busy. In addition, the temporary orange cones were observed knocked into the cycle lane coming in from Anzac.  Another disconcerting observation from a passing cyclist was that some drivers seemed to be bypassing the stop sign by crossing in front of the train station in order to exit a little further down the One-way where only a give-way remains. Further, confusion reigns for cyclists coming into the stop signs from Anzac as the path bends to the left protected by barriers so no cyclists stop is really necessary. We are hopeful NZTA can develop a permanent solution that is better than this.

That being said, many drivers do obey the stop sign, though at what point vehicles should stop with two posted stop signs and a yellow line in different places is certainly not clear to many drivers. In the frightening video scene below (captured on the same day as above), in a situation eerily similar to last years fatal crash but with an uneventful outcome, the truck driver, to his credit, halts just in time before entering the cycle lane. Nevertheless, the cyclist was still forced to initiate a dangerous evasive maneuver. Note the car following the truck flying through the stop sign.

These types of behaviours, which occur every day on Dunedin streets, is why we need better enforcement, smarter roadways, and more dedicated cycle ways, as laid out in the Plan for the Dunedin Cycle Network.

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