Cycle “Dooring” Injury Data from ACC: 2010-2012

Vintage NZ MoT Dooring PosterIn early February, the University of Otago IPRU released results and an interactive map of dooring incidents reported by NZ police. They recently added some new information on dooring incidents derived from a “keyword” search of three years of Accident Compensation Corporation data (ACC) data. Comparing ACC data (2010-2012) to Police Data (2007-2011) they found the annual average number of cases to be 150 in the ACC data, compared to  49 from police data.

They concluded that ACC data captures three times the number of dooring injuries as police data, though overall the population does not appear to be much different in terms of age and gender. About 30% of the cases and about 12% of the costs of the partial non-hospitalised payments are not borne by the Motor Vehicle Account. These data provide an important additional context with which to understand the incidence, nature and funding sources for the costs of bicycle-car dooring related injuries in New Zealand.

The full article can be accessed at the IPRU website.

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